Cloning Of Sim Software 4,7/5 4246 votes

Engaging in activities that can result in a SIM clone is illegal. In the 1990s, companies that provided cellular services recognized the problems that SIM cloning presented and began to take measures to thwart the cloning business.


New security measures such as embedding security operations make obtaining a SIM clone more difficult. Now, if a SIM card detects that cloning has been engaged, the SIM card can render itself inoperable. Whereas a few years ago cloning could be done by radio, people must now have physical access to the original SIM card. As stated earlier modern SIM cards are typically version 2 or above the use the improved COMP128-2 and COMP128-3 algorithms which make brute-forcing the Ki very very difficult. It is believed that some smaller (or poorer) cellular providers in countries (eg. Africa) still use the older version 1 SIMs which are still available and considerably cheaper.,,,,, Post navigation.

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Cloning of a GSM phone is achieved by cloning the SIM card contained within, but not necessarily any of the phone's internal data. GSM phones do not have ESN or MIN, only an International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI) number. Our cellphones are working on two network such as: GSM and CDMA.