Contents • • • • • • • • • • Setting page size and margins A few key terms before you start: • Trim size. Your printed book's width and height. The most common trim size for paperbacks in the U.S. Is 6' x 9' (15.24 x 22.86 cm), but you have several other.
Books with have elements that extend to the edge of the page. Accounting for bleed is important because it prevents a white border from appearing at the edge of the page when the book is trimmed. The video and step-by-step instructions explain how to set page size and margins for books with and without bleed. Every page has three outside margins (top, bottom, and side) and one inside margin (also called the gutter).
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Margins ensure your text isn’t cut off during manufacturing. Set your page size before you set your margins. Margin size depends on page count and on whether you have elements that bleed. See this chart to find your margin size: Page count Inside (gutter) margins Outside margins (no bleed) Outside margins (with bleed) 24 to 150 pages 0.375' (9.6 mm) at least 0.25' (6.4 mm) at least 0.375' (9.4 mm) 151 to 300 pages 0.5' (12.7 mm) at least 0.25' (6.4 mm) at least 0.375' (9.4 mm) 301 to 500 pages 0.625' (15.9 mm) at least 0.25' (6.4 mm) at least 0.375' (9.4 mm) 501 to 700 pages 0.75' (19.1 mm) at least 0.25' (6.4 mm) at least 0.375' (9.4 mm) 701 to 828 pages 0.875' (22.3 mm) at least 0.25' (6.4 mm) at least 0.375' (9.4 mm). • On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Size, and then select More Paper Sizes. This opens a dialog box. • Enter your book's trim size into the Width and Height fields.
• In the Apply to list, select Whole document and click OK. This resizes your pages and changes your page count, which you need to know for setting your margins. • On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Margins, and then select Custom Margins. This opens a dialog box. • In the Multiple pages list, select Mirror margins. • In the Apply to list, select Whole document.
• Identify your margin sizes based on page count using the chart at the end of this step. • Enter your Top, Bottom, Inside, and Outside margins based on your book's page count. (We used.375 for our outside margin for a professional look.) Do not enter any value into the Gutter field.
Tip: If your page count changes, go back and check the inside margin because it may also need to change. • On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Size, and then select More Paper Sizes. This opens a dialog box. • Enter Width and Height fields for your trim size with bleed added. Add 0.125' (3 mm) (3 mm) to the width and 0.25' (6 mm)(6 mm) to the height.
For example, if your trim size is 6' x 9' (15.24 x 22.86 cm) (15.24 x 22.86 cm), set the page size to 6.125' x 9.25' (15.54 x 23.46 cm) (15.54 x 23.46 cm). Microsoft Word might round 0.125' (3 mm) to 0.13'; this is fine. • In the Apply to list, select Whole document and then click OK. This resizes your pages and changes your page count, which you need to know for setting your margins. • On the Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click Margins, and then select Custom Margins. This opens a dialog box.
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• In the Multiple pages list, select Mirror margins. • In the Apply to list, select Whole document. • Identify your margin sizes using the chart at the end of this section.
The chart provides the minimum requirements for your margin sizes, but we recommend a top and bottom margin of 1' if you're including headers and an outside margin of 0.375' to give your book a more professional appearance. • Enter your Top, Bottom, Inside, and Outside margins based on your book's page count. Do not enter any value into the Gutter field. Tip: If your page count changes, go back and check the inside margin because it may also need to change. Modifying the Normal style for book body The Normal style is used for your book's body text. You'll pick your font and font size as well as the alignment of each paragraph, spacing between paragraphs, and the indentation of the first line of each paragraph. These are all style choices so choose based on your genre.