Nov 28, 2007 - Game update (patch) to Silent Hunter 4: Wolves of the Pacific, a(n) simulation game, v.1.4, added on. Improvements for enemy ships detection of steam torpedoes. Farming Simulator 15 - v.1.3 PL - patch - 275.7 MB.
The patch will be released separately from the SH4 U-boat add-on. Details to come. Which leads me to think of this question for the devs.:hmm: Have you thought about doing an SH4 'pay for' add-on in the future that would bring British/ Australian/ Dutch submarines in actoin in the Mediteraanean, Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Pacific oceans? Make this an add-on to SH4, and you'd also be able to get more updates into the gameplay / graphics system and get some pay for it. Between SH4 and SH3, a number of the basic models / terrain features are in place that would work with some modification. Treat it like the Rainbow Six series where the release adds enhancements to the previous relaese but requires it to run.
You could limit it to the Pacific and Indian Ocean and release another update later that would put the british boats in their European Theater. You could even throw a few Russian boats in the mix. Associated links. Kaleidagraph 36 free download. I'm out here still west of Japan. Just missed with 2 torpedoes perfectly targeted that passed just underneath my target, ROW has been updated, Ducimus updated TM, tater has a couple mods out I want to try, and now Ubi is going to release the patch BEFORE I CAN GET TO PORT!!!!!! All this great stuff and I'm at sea! [REQ] A Star Trek transporter that will teleport the entire submarine to port when new mods or patches come out.
I'd have to be in port to install it. I better get ziggin' and zaggin'!
One of these funny games which entertain only specific group of people. It really is funny and enjoyable. But only if you have enjoyed previous games in the series. For me, a veteran who played and enjoyed Silent Hunter I it was fun and nice, but. Still, if you don't want to wait 10 hours before the action begins, it's not a game for you. It's a mix of realistic gameplay, pretty One of these funny games which entertain only specific group of people. It really is funny and enjoyable.
But only if you have enjoyed previous games in the series. For me, a veteran who played and enjoyed Silent Hunter I it was fun and nice, but.
Kollazh k yubileyu 60 let. Zherebenok 123.
Still, if you don't want to wait 10 hours before the action begins, it's not a game for you. It's a mix of realistic gameplay, pretty graphics and lame bugs, making it somewhat nice compilation, but only as far as you have time and like this kind of simulatons. I delibrately didn't play this game or comment until very recently and after the 3rd patch was released thanks to advice from other players who told me it wasn't ready. I have been a big fan of WW2 sub sims since my first Silent Service on the Amega many years ago and was blown away by Silent Hunter 2 & 3! SH4 WOTP is a masterpiece my only gripe being that it would be nice to be I delibrately didn't play this game or comment until very recently and after the 3rd patch was released thanks to advice from other players who told me it wasn't ready. I have been a big fan of WW2 sub sims since my first Silent Service on the Amega many years ago and was blown away by Silent Hunter 2 & 3! SH4 WOTP is a masterpiece my only gripe being that it would be nice to be able to walk around the sub and talk to members of the crew (affecting morale/experience) & i would like to see wildlife such as dolphins, sharks, whales & fish.