Refugees are people who have been driven from their homeland by a crisis such as civil war or persecution. Often their lives are endangered because of their ethnicity, or political or religious beliefs. Of all the immigrants who arrive in New Zealand, perhaps refugees face the toughest challenges. They have often suffered imprisonment or torture. 2201/2003, izraz „roditeljska odgovornost ” označava prava i obveze koji se odnose na dijete ili njegovu imovinu, koji su sudskom odlukom dodijeljeni fizičkoj ili pravnoj osobi, primjenom prava ili sporazumom s pravnim učinkom. Firmware update lg. Taj izraz uključuje i prava roditeljske skrbi i odgoja djeteta te prava na kontakt s djetetom.
EurLex-2 en The provisions on remuneration should be without prejudice to the full exercise of fundamental rights guaranteed by the Treaties, in particular Article 153(5) TFEU, general principles of national contract and labour law, applicable legislation regarding shareholders’ rights and involvement and the general responsibilities of the administrative and supervisory bodies of the institution concerned, as well as the right, where applicable, of social partners to conclude and enforce collective agreements, in accordance with national laws and traditions. EurLex-2 en REAFFIRMING the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development which states, in its Principle 2, that States have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, the sovereign right to exploit their own resources pursuant to their own environmental and developmental policies, and the responsibility to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction or control do not cause damage to the environment of other States or of areas beyond the limits of national jurisdiction.