Moodle gotovie kursi. ISMA E-Learning: Courses. You are not logged in. ()You are here. E-Learning / Course categories / VALSTS EKSĀMENS. Nosūtīja LiepU Moodle administrators — ceturtdiena, 2019. Janvāris, 11:59 Šā gada februārī Liepājas Universitātes studenti un citi interesenti kā izvēles kursu varēs apgūt ķīniešu valodu. Laipni lūgti RTU Tālmācības studiju centra MII platformā! Welcome to RTU Distance Education Study Centre MII platform! Lai reģistrētos kursā Ievads. Moodle Pagaidu Mācību Vide. Mācību Vide Testēšanas Nolūkiem. Izlaist Calendar. The study course objective is to survey the development and construction of Spanish culture and civilization from pre-Roman times to the present, focusing on history, geography, art, politics, current social issues, and the significance of particular customs.
Fastbootコマンドが動くか確認してみます。 端末をfastbootモードで接続して、コマンドプロンプトから以下のコマンドを実行します。 fastboot.exe -i 0x0fce getvar version waiting for deviceとならずに、以下のように表示されればOKです。.
Hi, Based on my research, I suggest you try the following steps to see if it works. 1.Press 'Start Key/Windows Key + C' or move your cursor to top right corner of the screen to activate the Charm Bar and click on 'Settings Button' as shown in following figure. 2.The setting panel will open. Click 'Change PC Settings' from the bottom as shown. 3.You will have this PC Settings screen. Click on General Tab. And scroll down to the bottom to find 'Advance Start up Option' as shown below and click on Restart.
This is immediate restart so make sure all programs are closed and saved. 4.Your PC will reboot into Advance Start Up option. And you will see following screen. Now simply press on 'Troubleshoot' option.
5.In troubleshoot click on 'Advance Options”. In advance option select 'Start-Up Settings'. 6.Now just press restart button in Start-Up settings as shown below.
Your system will reboot in Start-Up Option Mode. 7.After your system is rebooted you will get this following screen. Here to choose options we have to use function keys. Now press 'F7' to select 'Disable Driver Signature Enforcement'. Now your PC will boot with Disabled Driver Signature Enforcement and you will be able to install Flashtool/Fastboot drivers. You can get this drivers from Post #2. If the issue persists, I think the ADB fast boot related driver had a compatibility problem with Windows 8.1.
Also, I will forward this case to our product team. Regards, Kelvin_Hsu TechNet Community Support. Hi, Based on my research, I suggest you try the following steps to see if it works. 1.Press 'Start Key/Windows Key + C' or move your cursor to top right corner of the screen to activate the Charm Bar and click on 'Settings Button' as shown in following figure. 2.The setting panel will open.
Click 'Change PC Settings' from the bottom as shown. 3.You will have this PC Settings screen. Click on General Tab.
And scroll down to the bottom to find 'Advance Start up Option' as shown below and click on Restart. This is immediate restart so make sure all programs are closed and saved.
4.Your PC will reboot into Advance Start Up option. And you will see following screen.
Now simply press on 'Troubleshoot' option. 5.In troubleshoot click on 'Advance Options”. In advance option select 'Start-Up Settings'. 6.Now just press restart button in Start-Up settings as shown below.
Your system will reboot in Start-Up Option Mode. 7.After your system is rebooted you will get this following screen. Here to choose options we have to use function keys. Now press 'F7' to select 'Disable Driver Signature Enforcement'. Now your PC will boot with Disabled Driver Signature Enforcement and you will be able to install Flashtool/Fastboot drivers.
You can get this drivers from Post #2. If the issue persists, I think the ADB fast boot related driver had a compatibility problem with Windows 8.1. Also, I will forward this case to our product team. Regards, Kelvin_Hsu TechNet Community Support.
Driver Model OS Original Upload Date Last Modification Driver File File Size Compatible Computer Models Availabilty To Instalation Manager S1boot Fastboot D22939 For Windows 7 32 bit all_drivers-d22939.exe 113kb NEC PC-LL560MG6BL, Advantech UNO-2178A, HP RA933AA-ABZ, Lenovo ThinkPad SL510, HP NM798AA-UUZ IQ532ch, Fujitsu FMVNFD50B, HASEE U147, and more. S1boot Fastboot 2.13493 For Windows 7 64 bit all_drivers-2.13493.exe 106kb HP M8417c-ABA m8417c, Sony VPCF1290X, SAMSUN R509, ACTION MONTANA W7HP, SAMSUN 700Z, Compaq P8657F-ABA SR1000V NA510, IBM IBM System x3200 M2 -[4367I6A, Compaq PS430AA-ABG SR1380AN AN510, Toshiba NB100/HF, HP KT850AV-ABJ s3540jp, Epson Endeavor NT350, Toshiba Libretto U100/190DSW, Intel DQ965GF, and more. S1boot Fastboot 63842 For Windows 7 12/5/2014 all_drivers-63842.exe 154kb Toshiba Dynabook R634/E25K, Toshiba Dynabook Qosmio D711/T3EB, HP EG211AA-ABG m7288a, HP 600-1210ch, Sony VPCF135FG, Sony VGN-TZ73B, Fujitsu FMV8NU1LC5, and more. S1boot Fastboot 2.10281.1 For Windows 10 8/30/2014 all_drivers-2.10281.1.exe 90kb Compaq VT606AA-AKL CQ3275L, Biostar TA960, Toshiba SATELLITE C850-16W, Lenovo 6457WK5, and more. S1boot Fastboot P1.13442 For Windows 10 64 bit all_drivers-p1.13442.exe 54kb HP EP187AA-UUZ, IBM 8215WBM, IBM 2373WZW, MSI MSI Notebook EX630, IBM ThinkPad A30, Panasonic CF-53JAWZYFN, HP Hp workstation xw6000, and more. S1boot Fastboot U8341.11.1 For Windows 7 32 bit 9/2/2014 all_drivers-u8341.11.1.exe 165kb Toshiba Dynabook T451/59DB, Acer AX1430G, NEC PC-MY21AEZR3, Supermicro X9DRW-7/iTPF, Acer Acer 8935G, ASUS K50IJ, Toshiba SATELLITE L850-A891, Sony VPCF13BFX, Panasonic CF-S9KYFFDR, Panasonic CF-18NHH71BM, ASUS X71S, Gigabyte 945GDS1, and more. S1boot Fastboot J61.1241.1 For Windows 7 64 bit 9/22/2014 all_drivers-j61.1241.1.exe 159kb NEC PC-MY26LEZ78, Gateway MT6220B, IBM 8212H1U, Sony VGN-NW305F, Toshiba Dynabook SS LX/190DR, IBM 831136U, Sun Microsystems Munich, Packard Bell IXtreme X9240, Sony PCG-FX33S_BP, and more.